
PetZ Money is a virtual pet platform that uses blockchain technology, gamefi elements, and the Pomodoro technique to incentivize users to be more productive. Users start a Pomodoro session and focus on a single task for 25 minutes. If they are successful, they earn in-game currency that can be used to purchase food, toys, and other items for their pet. After four Pomodoro sessions, users are rewarded with a longer break and more in-game currency. PetZ Money makes the Pomodoro technique more fun and engaging, helping users to stay motivated and on track. Focus to Earn

PetZ Money is a productivity and time management tool that helps users stay focused and motivated while they work. Users can earn in-game currency, called PGT and PST, by completing Pomodoro sessions. Pomodoro sessions are short, focused work sessions that are typically 25 minutes long. After each session, users take a short break. After four sessions, they take a longer break.

To earn PGT and PST, users simply start a Pomodoro session and focus on their work. If they can stay focused for the entire session, they will earn PGT and PST. The amount of PGT and PST they earn is based on the amount of time they spend working.

PGT and PST can be used to purchase food, toys, and other items for their virtual pet. Users can also use PGT and PST to upgrade their virtual pet NFT. For example, they can use PGT and PST to upgrade their NFT level to unlock more features and rewards.

Create to Earn

PetZ Money also allows users to earn PGT by creating and selling NFTs. To create an NFT, users must first pay a minting fee. Once their NFT is minted, they can list it on the PetZ Money marketplace for other users to purchase.

When a user purchases an NFT, the creator of the NFT earns PGT. The amount of PGT they earn is based on the sale price of the NFT.

Creating and selling NFTs is a great way for users to earn extra PGT and to support their favorite creators.

Overall, PetZ Money is a unique and innovative platform that uses blockchain technology, gamefi elements, and the Pomodoro technique to help users to be more productive and to earn PGT.

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