Energy System
Energy replenishes 25% every 6 hours until it reaches the Energy Cap. Users start with one Pet and 2 Energy Caps. Users can increase their max. Energy by holding more Pet NFT. The calculation is as follows:
Pet No. | Energy | Focus to Earn Time in minutes |
1 | 6 | 30 |
3 | 12 | 60 |
9 | 27 | 135 |
15 | 36 | 180 |
30 | 60 | 300 |
Additional Energy (cumulative) is given to users for higher Quality Pet:
Owning an Uncommon Pet: +3 Energy
Owning a Rare Pet: +6 Energy
Owning an Epic Pet: +9 Energy
Owning a Legendary Pet: +12 Energy
1 Uncommon Pet + 1 Common Pet = 9 Total Energy (6 Base Energy + 3 Bonus)
2 Rare Pet + 1 Common Pet = 24 Total Energy (12 Base Energy + 12 Bonus)
Listing Pet on the Marketplace will result in Energy and Energy Cap loss. Transferring Pet from one account to another account will result the Pet enters a Cooldown period, during Cooldown period, users cannot use this Pet.
Last updated